1.However, I have learned a valuable lesson -- in desperate situations, the most feasible option is often the best option.
2.For it was there that I learned a valuable lesson, one I shall never forget: in a police state, we're all criminals.
3.I learned a valuable lesson: No matter how cruel the truth might be, honesty is always the best policy.
4.Finally, belatedly, he gave up and said sorry: "I would like to apologise to my grandmothers. I have learnt a valuable lesson from this. "
5.But I've learned a valuable lesson: the power to inflict bodily harm was always mine. I just needed to use it more often.
6.The structure of this Psalm, with its two contrasting sides, can serve as a valuable lesson to us.
7.But Neuer is confident the defeat will eventually prove to be a valuable lesson for his side.
8.D: Well, this should teach you a valuable lesson -- people can be even more of a pain in the neck than manuals.
9.The most valuable lesson man has learned from his dog is to kick a few blades of grass over it and move on.
10.The project went well and I learned the valuable lesson that user perception can be more important than reality.